Aubri Juhasz
Louisiana’s head of special education says there were no findings of wrongdoing in the audit.
House Bill 5, approved by the Louisiana Senate 39-0, requires public school systems to increase teacher pay by $2,000, and $1,000 for support staff.
According to the nation’s report card, Louisiana 4th graders led the country in reading growth. And economically disadvantaged 4th graders moved from 42nd all the way to 11th.
"If the state wants districts to pay teachers more then they need to send more money to schools." - Dannie Garrett, the Louisiana School Boards Association, (LSBA) executive counsel
Collectively, the policy proposals are bundled together into an overarching strategy known as “Let Teachers Teach.”
The lone obstacle to conservative priorities, the veto pen of now former Governor John Bel Edwards, is now history.
NPR's Scott Detrow talks to report Aubri Juhasz about the WHYY podcast Schooled.
Neighborhood gun violence can cause an undue burden on nearby schools. In Philadelphia, campuses are teaching how to speak out against the violence.
Schools are open in Philadelphia, but tens of thousands of students have been sent home early this week because it's too hot in their unairconditioned classrooms.
A tornado touched down in the New Orleans' Lower Ninth and Arabi Tuesday night causing widespread damage and at least one death.