Underwriting on Red River Radio
By underwriting on Red River Radio, you:
Reach a four-state area (North and Central Louisiana, East Texas, South Arkansas, and parts of Mississippi). And your contribution for airing your announcements is 100% tax deductible.
Establish top-of-mind awareness with the region's most desired demographic, populated with affluent, educated consumers, business owners, decision-makers and community leaders.
Reach an audience that has discretionary income.
Reach loyal listeners who thank the companies that support Red River Radio with their purchasing decisions.
As an underwriter, your business will be acknowledged with scheduled on-air announcements. In addition, we'll place a link to your business/organization.
Try us for one month and you won't believe the comments you will get, the people who listen and the difference it will make in your business. Join the hundreds of other underwriters who have increased their visibility through the power of underwriting on Red River Radio.
Contact our Assistant Manager Ranae Moran or Call: 1-800-552-8502