For this month's episode of Teach, Reach, Inspire we are checking in with local pre-educator teacher leaders to see how their "Grow Your Own" programs are impacting the teacher workforce.
This episode of Teach, Reach, Inspire features The Northwestern State University Child and Family Network, a program that offers services to assist early learning programs and families in Northwest and Central Louisiana.
This episode of Teach, Reach, Inspire features The Northwestern State University Child and Family Network, a program that offers services to assist early learning programs and families in Northwest and Central Louisiana.
This episode features The Williams Center for Undergraduate Achievement at Southern University Shreveport, a program that disciplines, trains, teaches and serves at-risk minority males to increase their presence in the academic fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), Education, and Allied Health.
This episode features The Williams Center for Undergraduate Achievement at Southern University Shreveport, a program that disciplines, trains, teaches and serves at-risk minority males to increase their presence in the academic fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), Education, and Allied Health.
On this episode, we will discuss the concept of teaching basketball fundamentals and highlight court specialists who teach, reach, and inspire individuals of all ages to play the right way.
On this episode, we will discuss the concept of teaching basketball fundamentals and highlight court specialists who teach, reach, and inspire individuals of all ages to play the right way.
This month's episode features The Dream Big Interactive Initiative, a local program that encourages children to never give up on themselves and their dreams.
This month's episode features The Dream Big Interactive Initiative, a local program that encourages children to never give up on themselves and their dreams.
In honor of Black History Month, host Dr. Tracey Burrell will feature the Shreveport Chapter of Links Incorporated (Linked in Friendship, Connected in Service), an organization that has been teaching children, reaching families, and inspiring our community since 1973.