The entire Red River Radio listening area finds itself in the peak of termite swarm season. In fact, Arkansas (#9), Louisiana (#6) and Texas (#7) are all ranked among the 10 worst states for termites in the country.
LSU Ag Center Entomologist Dr. Aaron Ashbrook says Formosan subterranean termites are attracted to light -- so keep interior lights off at night to prevent them from coming into homes. “Now, what will allow them to establish in the home is a moist condition, whether that’s a leak or some kind of drainage issue that could be contributing to moist wood.” Ashbrook says these termites are responsible for billions of dollars in damages every year.

And LSU AgCenter entomologist Qian “Karen” Sun had also told the Louisiana Radio Network says the peak swarming season is from May to June, with a big peak around Mother’s Day. She says people who notice swarming termites should have a pest control professional inspect their homes and trees. Sun also cautioned, “Do it yourself pesticide applications are really not effective; you will need professional pest control services.”

Sun also mentioned the importance of cleaning up any moisture and pipe leakage, so that if a termite does breach your gates, they can’t start a family under your roof. “If there is no food, and no moisture, then termites will not survive, and swarms cannot start a new colony.” Experts also caution homeowners to remove any dead wood near your home.
A quick internet search can provide recommendations to prevent Formosan termites in and around your home. For example, Here are just a few suggestions provided by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:
* Have your home annually inspected by a licensed pest control company.
* Keep gutters clean and well maintained.
* Repair cracks in your foundation and around your home’s exterior. Formosans can use cracks the thickness of a credit card to invade.