Airs Tuesday, September 22, 2020, at 6 p.m. Once again Dr. Beverly Burden, an Associate Professor of Biology at LSUS and our resident entomologist, joined Bill Beckett to discuss our insect world, both friendly and fiendish. We'll talk about what's new in the insect world and we'll took forward to your calls and questions about "What's Bugging You" at 800-552-8502.

Credit Erron from Vivian, La. / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Erron from Vivian, La. / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Erron from Vivian, La. / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Erron from Vivian, La. / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Dennis Gibson / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Ben Johnson / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Loretta Goodwin Servance / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Regina Blackwell / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Juli Ramsey Campbell / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Bill Beckett / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Elizabeth Scalf / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Alan Dyson / Red River Radio
Red River Radio

Credit Diane Reinert / Red River Radio
Red River Radio
The fascinating golden turtle beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata) is native to North America.