Supporters of the arts will convene tonight in Shreveport to recognize the publication of a book that documents Louisiana’s contribution to art, since Colonial times. The book, “A Unique Slant of Light: The Bicentennial History of Art in Louisiana,” features 276 entries on Louisiana artists and hundreds of images.
This bicentennial project was handled by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. During an intense 18 months, LEH president Michael Sartisky edited the book, along with a team of art historians. He says the genius of the book is its digital capability. It’s compiled into Louisiana’s digital encyclopedia of art and history, Sartisky said the book becomes much more than its 450 static pages.
"There is no other state in the nation that has a project of this magnitude functioning with all of these interlinking dimensions, Sartisky said. “Louisiana can be very proud of this. It’s the single most important artifact and project to derive from the bicentennial celebration."
The reception and book signing is Nov. 8, at 6 p.m., at Centenary College’s Meadows Museum. The event is free and open to the public.