CHILDHOOD CANCER SURVIVOR IN SPACE - Louisiana native Haley Arceneaux is a Physician’s Assistant who works at St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.…
20 years ago on the morning of September 11th, then President George W. Bush was visiting an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida when he got the word…
NICHOLAS HITS COASTLINE- Tropical Storm Nicholas hit the Texas coast as a hurricane, bringing the threat of up to 20 inches of rainfall to parts of the…
LSU TO UNENROLL NON-COMPLYING STUDENTS- LSU students returning to campus for the Fall Semester have just a couple more days to comply with the school's…
LA NURSING HOMES TRAGEDY— Louisiana health officials are revoking the licenses of seven nursing homes whose residents were evacuated to a warehouse after…
ARKANSAS GOV RACE – Former Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders kicked off her gubernatorial campaign tour yesterday in Benton, Arkansas. The…
COVID SURGE CROWDS HOSPITALS — Dr. Joseph Kanter who heads the Louisiana Department of Health says the peak of the state's latest coronavirus surge may be…
COVID CASES IN GREGG COUNTY -Texas’ seven-day average for new Covid cases was 13,708 on Sunday, up from more than 1,710 on July 9. There were almost 9,600…
ARKANSAS MASK BAN INJUNCTION — Last week Arkansas lawmakers were called into special session by Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson to consider his…
LA TOURISM ECONOMY – The Louisiana tourism economy has been hurt by the pandemic but it’s showing signs of a slow comeback. The state had over 53 million…