February 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm, hosted by Ross Foote. The Better Picture welcomes world famous photographer Ian Plant to the show. Ian teaches, blogs, does workshops, and publishes instruction manuals and he is coming to Red River Radio to answer your questions. You can get an idea of the wonders of his works by visiting ianplant.com and cruising through his galleries.
About Ian Plant
Whether hanging over the rim of an active volcano, braving the elements to photograph critically-endangered species, or trekking deep into the wilderness to places most people will never see, world-renowned professional photographer Ian Plant travels the globe seeking out amazing places and subjects in his never-ending quest to capture the beauty of our world with his camera. Ian seeks out the hidden spaces in between the familiar, relying on long exposures, unique lighting conditions, non-traditional perspectives, and special natural events to show his subjects in a new light. Known for his inspiring images and single-minded dedication to creating the perfect photo, Ian has reached hundreds of thousands of people around the world in his mission to inspire and educate others in the art of photography. Ian is a frequent contributor to many leading photo magazines, the author of numerous books and instructional videos, and founder of Shuttermonkeys, a community of creative photographers connecting passionate enthusiasts with top pros.