Molly Ryan
State Politics Reporter-
A final state budget must be passed before the session ends on June 3.
“We’re not talking about innocent children, men or women. … We’re talking about criminals who were convicted by a jury of 12.”Rep. Tony Bacala, R-Prairieville
The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals threw that map out, saying it was racially gerrymandered.
SB98 would call for fines of up to $1,000 and the potential loss of a driver’s license for two months for some offenses.
. First Amendment lawyer Scott Sternberg called Louisiana Senate Bill 482 “a repeal of the public records law.”
There’s an effort underway, in the current legislative session in Baton Rouge, to reverse course on the controversial execution method with Senate Bill 430.
If approved, Senate Bill 276 would make it a crime to give a pregnant woman an abortion pill without her knowledge or consent.
Ultimately, the goal is to move certain items out of the current constitution and put them into state law.
House Bill 310 is subject to appropriation, meaning if lawmakers don’t fund it, the state can’t force schools to provide the product.
A new Louisiana law expands execution methods, raising the possibility that the state could hold its first execution in more than a decade.