Tuesday represented day two of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Nearly 2,500 GOP delegates have converged this week to formally nominate former President Donald Trump as the party’s 2024 nominee for president. Republican governors, lawmakers and delegates from each state are in attendance at the national convention.
The former president locked-up the nomination back in March, once he secured the 1,215 Republican delegates necessary to become the party’s presumptive GOP presidential nominee. Trump will deliver a speech on Thursday to formally accept the nomination to close out the convention. It follows Monday’s roll call of the state’s delegations, which officially ended the GOP presidential primary.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, representing Louisiana’s Fourth Congressional District, serves as chair of the convention. Johnson announced at the conclusion of the roll call that 2,387 votes were cast for Trump. In the four states region of Red River Radio, this included 40 votes from Arkansas, 47 from Louisiana, 43 from Oklahoma, and 161 from Texas.
One of the delegates representing Louisiana is Louis Avallone, the Caddo Parish GOP Chair. He spoke with us about what he seeing and hearing at the convention. Avallone says conventional wisdom might tell you that all the talk is about the assassination attempt on Donald trump back on Saturday, July 13. But instead, Avallone says delegates are focused squarely on how to improve the lives of Americans. “You know that proverbial question that Ronald Reagan asked in the debate with Jimmy Carter in 1980? He asked millions of Americans, ‘are you better off today than you were four years ago?’ And I think that question is answered by millions of Americans resoundingly no.”

Avallone has very specific answers for us to that question [are you better off today?] on Wednesday morning, right here on Red River Radio News.