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Tyler Businessman Encourages Customers To Get Vaccinated

Courtesy: Chuck Smith / Red River Radio News

TYLER CAFE VACCINE INCENTIVE-  Earlier this month it was announced that April is National Minority Health Month by The Centers for Disease Control. And while health agencies are trying to reach out  to communities of color to promote better healt,  a local businessman in Tyler, Texas is doing his part by getting more people, not just minorities --to get coronavirus vaccines.  Courtney Esteen,  owns  Flavors Daiquiri Café in Tyler, Texas  and he’s trying to help people overcome their skepticism  and reluctance to getting a Coronavirus vaccine.

"We are excited to offer a free appetizer to anyone that comes in at anytime to show your vaccination card to show that you're fully vaccinated, two shots, just as a small part to say thanks for being a team-player and that you're fully vaccinated," Esteen said.

"I had my doubts initially but when you walk up to the vaccination location and you have every race getting vaccinated with the same vaccine, it makes sense to put the crazy talk aside and get serious about this," Courtney Esteen, Owner - Flavors Daiquiri Cafe / Tyler, TX

Now the free appetizer for getting fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus sounds like a great way to promote a business,  but Esteen says it’s also a  good way to help the community overcome vaccine reluctance.

Credit Courtesy: Tyler Morning Telegraph
Courtesy: Tyler Morning Telegraph
Courtney Esteen is offering customers a free appetizer if they show a completed coronavirus vaccine card.

"The Black community definitely has had its share of vaccination issues in the past so people have had a lot of doubt and I just wanted to step up and be the face and say let's get vaccinated, I got vaccinated. Let's put all the crazy talk aside and let's kind of live healthy for one another," Esteen explained.

Vaccine disparity is a well-documented  problem  among  minority communities.. And stories about African Americans getting fewer doses  or less-effective, inferior coronavirus vaccines have added skepticism in those Communities.  This was something Courtney Esteen  thought about himself as he too is African-American.

"I had my doubts initially but when you walk up to the vaccination location and you have every race getting vaccinated with the same vaccine, it makes sense to put the crazy talk aside and get serious about this," Esteen said.

Esteen says the response to his Free Appetizer for proof of vaccination  has been good as he’s been seeing newer customers drop in who didn’t even know his business existed.

Chuck Smith brings more than 30 years' broadcast and media experience to Red River Radio. He began his career as a radio news reporter and transitioned to television journalism and newsmagazine production. Chuck studied mass communications at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia and motion picture / television production at the University of California at Los Angeles. He has also taught writing for television at York Technical College in Rock Hill, South Carolina and video / film production at Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport.