TX GOV REMOVES ALL RESTRICTIONS - Yesterday Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he was lifting the statewide mask mandate and reopening the Texas economy. All Texas businesses can reopen at 100-percent capacity. Abbott’s announcement came at a Lubbock event for small business and community leaders.
“Covid still exists in Texas, the United States, and across the globe," Abbott said. "But it is clear from the recoveries, from the vaccinations, from the reduced hospitalizations, and from the safe practices that Texans are using that state mandates are no longer needed."
Abbott says his reopening order does not end “personal responsibility.” Abbott’s orders take effect next Wednesday. Multiple groups reacted swiftly, criticizing the governor's decision.

TX TEACHERS AS ESSENTIAL WORKERS?- A new poll finds likely voters in Texas overwhelmingly support designating teachers as essential workers so they can get the COVID-19 vaccine. The Texas State Teachers Association commissioned the poll, which was conducted by two outside groups. TSTA President Ovidia Molina says the results support what teachers have been saying all along.
"The majority of the people returning the survey are say that yes, educators should be priority and that was a no-brainer for us," Molina said. "We know that we have public support to have our educators safely working in our schools."
Currently those eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine in Texas include frontline health care workers, long-term care facility residents, people 65 and older, and those with certain medical conditions.